"Fire & Fragrance is one of the purest ministries I have seen. Their love for the Father, their passion for Jesus and their openness to the Holy Spirit is absolutely beautiful. Fire & Fragrance rocks!"
Heidi Baker PhD, Founding Director Iris
"I am a close friend and full supporter of Fire & Fragrance, a ministry of Youth With A Mission. Fire & Fragrance has a commendable vision to train and release an army of Jesus-lovers who live the first commandment and walk in authority and power in the second commandment."
Mike Bickle, Director of IHOPKC
"It is a complete joy to serve with Fire & Fragrance. My wife and I have dedicated our lives to spiritual awakening in our generation. In YWAM, we have found life-long friends committed to consecrated community, Christ-centered living, revival, and cultural reformation."
Andy Byrd, YWAM Kona